There is a great discussion going on in the forums today about the problem with testing raids on the Public Test Realm. Some believe that allowing guilds to run raids on the PTR for a month or more before going live ruins the 'surprise' factor. Consider that high end raiding guilds are able to clear the hardest raids day one of patch day.
So what do you think, do you think Raids and new Instances introduced during patches should be internally tested, so that when it goes live no one has seen the fight before?
Forum Thread Here: Beta Testing Raids
Personally, I like the idea of having seen an instance ran before going at it. Just because you see how a fight goes down does not always make it any easier, especially when coordinating with 10 to 25 people. It still takes some practice, good gear, and fast reflexes, which is what gaming is all about, at least to me. I'm happy seeing videos on Youtube for how to clear Raids and reading tips on WowWiki for killing the last boss.
Not that it really matters in the long run, after all most end game content I will never see. I never saw Black Temple and time will tell if I even see all of Ulduar. I'm casual, so it's never a surprise and I'm ok with that.
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