With the upcoming patch 3.3.3 there will no doubt be some roll changes to many servers. The usual way to roll on items would be to Greed, but with changes to Frost Orbs being traded for mats, why shouldn't everyone roll Need? But another discussion would be about Tanks rolling on DPS gear and vice versa.
I'm a firm believer in a few things, which have shaped my random dungeon runs and made them tolerable. First of all, announce your intent at the beginning of the run. If you will be rolling Need on Orbs, let it be known so that everyone has a fair shot at it. Also, if you are a Tank looking for DPS gear, tell people up front, and likewise if you are a plate wearing DPS that you are looking for tank gear.
The only real issues crop up when it's a surprise and lack of communication develops bad attitudes. Also, by announcing your intent to roll on certain loot you are giving others an option to drop if they don't like it.
The importance of establishing loot rules up front will become even more important the closer we get to Cataclysm and after Cataclysm is released. Those that have been tanking the majority of the Lich King expansion will be wanting to grab some DPS gear out of the early Cata dungeons, so be prepared for drama over loot.
What tips do you have for rolling on gear in random dungeon runs? And no, the answer is not always to just run with friends and guild mates. ;)
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