Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rune Strike Issues With 4.0.1

Many people have been complaining about the new changes to Rune Strike, specifically it only becoming available after an avoidance move.  Some Death Knight tanks feel this modification in the 4.0.1 patch makes the rune regeneration modification even more convoluted.  It's virtually impossible to create a fluid and sustainable threat level, especially on single target.

Right now there is a 4 page thread in the Death Knight Forums calling out for a hot fix.  As of this post, no dice.

Consider the need for such a fix to RS in 4.0.1.  It's another casualty of the random number generator (RNG), that doesn't allow proper planning when coming up against tank changes, boss pickups, etc.  The issue of not being able to build agro with Rune Strike becomes an even larger threat barrier when coming up against caster bosses.

What do you think about the change to Rune Strike in 4.0.1?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4.0.1 Death Knight Unholy DPS Talent Spec

Looking to maximize your DPS in 4.0.1 as a newly revamped Unholy Death Knight?  Look no further, as of level 80, the following DPS spec will be the best at supplying consistent single target damage explosions.

This level 80 talent spec uses all the best DPS talents and will rely on having your ghoul out and the occasional Death Coil. ;)  In addition, the use of this Death Knight spec will require you to remain in Unholy presence.  Not sure how long this will remain as powerful as it is, but lets jump on the band wagon now and enjoy the big deeps.

WoWTal 4.0.1 Death Knight Unholy DPS Spec

How to automatically use the above spec in game.

The above dps talent spec uses the following;

Prime Glyphs:

Raise Dead
Scourge Strike
Death Coil

Unholy DPS Major Glyphs:

Anti-Magic Shell
Blood Boil

Unholy DPS Minor Glyphs:

Horn of Winter
Path of Frost
Resillient Grip

The WowTal link above should automatically use the glyphs mentioned above, but if not the list has been provided.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Spec Into A Talent Tree Automatically

If you are like me, you spent more time playing with talents and getting things to jive, than actually playing the game.  I have an awful time of looking at a web page talent calculator, alt+tab back to WoW, do a few talents, alt tab back to the other window, rinse and repeat until fully spec'd.  However, you should know that there is a simpler way and provides a quick and easy script to facilitate updating your talent trees.

First, cruise on over to and start building on your Death Knight Talent Spec. has even been updated to allow for glyphs and Cataclysm only spells and glyphs.  So, future builds can already start being theory crafted or actually used if you are lucky enough to be playing the beta.

Next, click the 'Use it ingame!' button.  This will provide you with a popout, which contains a command line script which instructs you to copy and then paste in game.  But where are you supposed to paste the code from WowTal in the World of Warcraft game client?

The WowTal script must be pasted into the chat window of the Wow client.  If you are not familiar with scripts in Wow, then know that it is common place to allow certain commands within the chat line.  Yes, the same place you make 'anal' jokes is the same place you will make your life easier with seemingly complicated script lines.

For a complete list of chat command line summaries please click here.

I should also mention that there are certain Addons that allow the same type of functionality.  Talented is one such addon that allowed users to link spec's from many popular talent builders and then have them automatically previewed, then applied.  However, most of these addons have yet to be updated for 4.0.1, so for now will be my talent builder of choice.  Expect these builds to be linked in my posts, much like my Death Knight Tank 4.0.1 Spec.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4.0.1 Death Knight Blood Tank Talent Spec

Looking to hit the ground running with the all new 4.0.1 patch?  How about starting things off with this level 79 Blood Tank spec, which gets you the basics of a good build, at least what worked well on the public test realm.

This build also focuses on Rune Strike, which continues to be a primary threat builder moving into 4.0.1 and beyond.  However, if you are looking for a bit more of survivability and less on the threat scale, then perhaps consider putting some points into improved Blood Tap.

Blood Tank Spec for 4.0.1
WowHead Link -
WowTal Link (How to use to automatically update your talent spec in game.)

Patch Day For 4.0.1

Looks like the new patch is for sure hitting the Blizzard servers as we speak.  It's a massive patch, 4.8gb to be exact and is reportedly taking up to 2 hours on a decent computer to install.  Yes, that is 2 hours to install, not just download.  Hopefully everyone started their background downloader a week ago.

4.0.1 Patch Highlights for Death Knights

  • Runes - The way they fill is different, which slows the special ability use down, but allows for some different fighting mechanics. Runes will now fill one at a time, instead of all at once. Not meant to gimp the Death Knight, just allow for some broader changes come Cataclysm.
  • Blood Is Only Tanking Tree - As mentioned in another post, quite possibly the biggest change for patch 4.0.1 will be that blood is the only tanking tree for Death Knights.
  • Rune Empowerment - Ability to instantly refill certain runes, which allows for less cut'n paste rotations, a little variety in your fights.
Blizzard claims the servers will most likely be back up at noon, I'm doubtful.  Such a huge patch and Blizzard's history of never hitting patch deadlines, you'll probably be lucky to play before dark.  Hmmm, wonder if there will be a que to log on to my server?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blood Will Be Only Tanking Spec For Death Knights

Sure was nice while it lasted, being able to dual-wield, blood, frost, and even unholy tank as a Death Knight.  However, that time has come to pass and the next patch will be the end of unique tanking trees, when 4.0.1 becomes live, Blood will be the only tanking tree.  This becomes a real bummer for me, since I had finally got used to dual-wield tanking in Frost and loving it.

Early on, while learning to tank as a Death Knight, I had been using the Blood spec.  It provided a lot more room for error, plenty of hit points, just maybe not so much control over AOE threat.  Thankfully Blizzard has made it clear that they will be stealing some of the talents from Unholy and Frost to make up for the lack of Blood specific tanking abilities.

Several of the more fun tanking talents from Frost and Unholy will be moved into Blood. 

There has been some speculation that the next patch will be out next Tuesday, October 12th.  Start holding your breath now.