Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Spec Into A Talent Tree Automatically

If you are like me, you spent more time playing with talents and getting things to jive, than actually playing the game.  I have an awful time of looking at a web page talent calculator, alt+tab back to WoW, do a few talents, alt tab back to the other window, rinse and repeat until fully spec'd.  However, you should know that there is a simpler way and provides a quick and easy script to facilitate updating your talent trees.

First, cruise on over to and start building on your Death Knight Talent Spec. has even been updated to allow for glyphs and Cataclysm only spells and glyphs.  So, future builds can already start being theory crafted or actually used if you are lucky enough to be playing the beta.

Next, click the 'Use it ingame!' button.  This will provide you with a popout, which contains a command line script which instructs you to copy and then paste in game.  But where are you supposed to paste the code from WowTal in the World of Warcraft game client?

The WowTal script must be pasted into the chat window of the Wow client.  If you are not familiar with scripts in Wow, then know that it is common place to allow certain commands within the chat line.  Yes, the same place you make 'anal' jokes is the same place you will make your life easier with seemingly complicated script lines.

For a complete list of chat command line summaries please click here.

I should also mention that there are certain Addons that allow the same type of functionality.  Talented is one such addon that allowed users to link spec's from many popular talent builders and then have them automatically previewed, then applied.  However, most of these addons have yet to be updated for 4.0.1, so for now will be my talent builder of choice.  Expect these builds to be linked in my posts, much like my Death Knight Tank 4.0.1 Spec.


  1. I should also mention that using this script or another add on may or may not be glitched with all the server tweaks and resets. Heck, it's just a good idea to look over everything before hitting confirm. At least try and save yourself a small talent reset fee.

  2. Uh, What are the rotations for this spec?
