Believe the rumors, put on your pvp gear (or whatever) and head on over to Alterac Valley. Bar none it seems to be the absolute fastest way to level, especially compared to grinding out instances. Heck, even compared to non flying mount questing it seems faster, but that might be attributed to the play style.
After every single AV game I've played I've went up at least 1 bubble, even if I lost. However, if I got a good team, which caps towers, prevents capping, and smacks Drek, then I can get 3 bubbles easy or more. This is the average I've been seeing from level 74 to 77, give or take.
I like it because it always takes less than 1 minute to get into a game and provides a clear goal, instead of following the quest helper arrow around. Not to mention it's nice to take a break from grinding instances and quests, yet still have a means to earn XP. Consider this, by the time I'm done running all these Alterac Valley's to hit 80, I'll be able to score some decent Purple PVP gear too. Some gear that will allow me to jump right into tanking some heroics.
Looks like I opened my mouth too soon and just at the wrong time. Apparently there was a ninja nerf to xp gain in Alterac Valley with the release of patch 3.2.2. This means that the XP gain in Alterac Valley was nixed by about 50%.
Big Bummer.
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