This is a guest article submission on Death Knights in WoW vs Druids.
Druids can be hard to defeat in the battle. Your success rate of fighting with druid will depend on the skills and specs of the druid in the fight. Feral druid will start the battle in cat form and stealth. To damage the enemy’s stealth, you can use the D&D. If the druid knows that you are going to throw down the D & D, he will attempt to keep himself at a distance. Next, the druids will open up with Leap which is followed by the Maim. From this stage, the druids technique will be different. Some druids will persist in dps you while others will transform into a bear for a stun from Bash.
Some druids will perform the Cyclone action and regain stealth. You should not waste the trink on the stuns. If you feel that you can get the icebound fortitude off, you shoucan use the trink for the cyclone. When the druid gets low, he will attempt to heal himself. If you manage to stop the druid from healing himself, you will wint the match. If he is likely to heal, you can use the icebound fortitude on him. If the druid tries to use cyclone on you, you can counter attack it with mind freeze or pop the anti magic shell. The anti magic shell will help to absorb it so that you can win the battle.
Experienced druids will use Nature’s Grasp to root you and escape to a distance to heal itself. If you know the druid is going to heal himself, you can use the anti magic shell to waste his nature grasp. If he manage to root you, you should death grip him back before he run away to a far place so that you have have time. After that you should strangulate him once he is out of range in order to silence him. In this way, you will have time for the root to fade. You should let the enemy get the range so that you can interrupt him when he begins to cast his heal. It is not recommended that use chains of ice because he will be able to easily move out of it. If the druid is unable to move to a distance before he manage to heal himself, you can wait for him to be healed and then interrupt him by using the Death Grip.
The balance druid is harder to cope than experienced druids. The balance druids is dangerous because they will attempt to root you and bomb from within a range while they are moving out from the chains of ice. Therefore, you will not be able to keep close to them. In this situation, you can make an initial interruption by using Entangling Roots. The entangling roots power will cause the balance druid to blow their nature’s grasp. If you possess the runic power, you can use the anti magic shell to stop them from rooting you. By using the anti magic shell, you will be able to cause serious damage on the enemies.
Death Knight Blog for both tank and dps DK's. Frequently updated Death Knight blog dedicated to monitoring patch changes, rotations, specs, and gear.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Death Knight vs Death Knight
This is a guest article on Death Knights vs Death Knights.
When fighting with the same class, the only differences are that the experience and talent build in the enemy death knight. If the enemy death knight has the same gear and experience, your abilities will be optimal against others.
In PvP, the enemy death knights are likely to possess some blood abilities. When you are fighting with an blood death knight, you must for the mark of blood. If you damage the mark of blood on the enemy, you will receive 4% of target health. If you have the mark of blood, you should not use the auto attack or Icy Touch to attack the opponent. Instead, the runes should be saved up for the death strike. If you possess the frost talents, you can use Obliterate.
If you are a blood death knight fighting against a death knight with a pet, you should place the mark of blood on the pet and not the player. The pet will assail in a faster speed and cause less damaging auto attacks and returns 4% of his target health. This technique can be used when fighting against hunter pets and warlock pets. However, it will not be effective on water elementals.
If you are fighting against frost death knight, you can use the frost strike to attack him. When the frost death knight attempt to fight you with chains of ice, you can alternate between obliterate and frost stroke to cause burst damage. If the frost death knight is using dual wielding, you can mark of blood them.
Unholy death knight tend to kill slowly. Therefore, you should keep someone in the death & decay area. The initial stage of the battle with the unholy knight is the most important part. You will want to throw his normal rotation off and cause him to become nervous. If you are able to get him low quickly, he will release spam and not use the solid rotations which are what you want. After you have use AMS on him, you must monitor your health when it is below the 5k – 6k. The rotation that you should use throughout the battle with the unholy death knight should be icy touch, plague strike, obliterate, heart strike, heart strike, icy touch,plague strike, heart strike, heart strike, heart strike and heart strike. This is a simple rotation so you should be able to implement them on the enemies. The obliterate ability should be used for the death runes. In addition, you are to keep the diseases stacked. To damage the enemy from a range, you should keep yourself away from the melee range as SS hurts. Since you have better health regeneration, you are likely to win in this battle.
One of the strategies which you can use is to wait for the enemy death knight. With the enemy death knight near you, you can drop the death and decay. After observing the radius, you can add your own so that it partially overlaps it. If the enemy death knight is ignorant, you can trick him into fighting on your side of the D&D. The enemy death knight will think that you want to cause damage and happen by chance to engage in battle with you.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Death Knight Mount
Guest article submission on Death Knight mounts.
The mount is used to help the death knight to ride on the backs of exotic beasts. Besides the death knight, the warlocks and paladins can also be used to summon mounts as class perk. By mounting on a beast, the death knight can travel faster than walking. In the burning crusade expansion, the flying mount is introduced.
In the past, mounts are expensive but their prices are now lowered. However, the cost of the training to ride them has increased. Some of the mounts don’t require any gold or Marks of Honor. These types of mounts are usually offered at very low rates from bosses such as stratholme, Sethekk Halls, Karazhan, and Urgarde Pinnacle.
In general, there is a 1.5 second castig time for mounts. During the casting time, it can be interrupted by damage or entering combat. When you are not moving, you can press the space bar on your keyboard to perform a special action such as hawskstriders will shriek.
The death knight can increase their mounting speed through enchantments and skills. Some of the speed increase items include Mithril Spurs, Riding Crop and Crusader Aura. Mithril Spurs, Riding Crop and Crusader Aura will not work with players above the level 70.
In the world of warcraft, there are seven types of mounts including Riding Turtle, Sea Turtle, Felsteed, Great Brown Kodo, Flying Machine, Turbo Charged Flying Machine Control and Ashes of Al’ar. Riding Turtle mount cannot increase speed. Sea Turtle mount can increase 60% of water movement speed. Felsteed mount can increase 60% of ground movement speed. Great Brown Kodo can increase 100% of ground movement speed. The flying machine mount can increase 60% of ground movement speed and 150% of air speed. The turbo charged flying machine control can increase 100% of ground movement speed and 280% of air speed. The Ashes of Al’ar can increase 100% of ground movement speed and 310% of air speed.
There are four riding skills including Apprentice (Level 20), Journeyman (Level 40), Expert (Level 60) and Artisan (Level 70). All the land mounts can swim through bodies of water therefore the death knight will not have to remount after leaving the water.
The cost for the training of Apprentice riding skill is 4 golds and 1 gold for the mount. The rare ground mounts has the ability to increase 60% of movement speed. It was lowered to level 40 and 90 to undergo training in Patch 2.4.3. In Patch 3.2.0, it was reduced to level 30 and 35.
The cost of the training for the journey man riding skill is 50 gold and 10 gold for the mount. The epic ground mount can increase 100% of the movement speed. After completing the quests Grand Theft palomino and Into the Realm of Shadows, the epic ground mount called the Acherus deathchanger will be given to the death knights.
The training cost of the expert riding skill costs 259 golds while the cost of the mount is 50 golds. For Horde players, the expert skill is taught by Wind Rider Jahubo in Tharallmar in Hellfire Peninsula. For Alliance players, the expert skill is learned from Hargen Bronzewing in Honor Hold. The expert riding skill is also learned from llsa Blusterbrew in Wildammer Stronghold and Shadowmoon Valley.
The training cost for the artisan riding skill is 500 golds while the mount will cost 100 golds. The epic flying mounts can increase 100% of the ground movement speed and 280% of the air movement speed.The cold weather flying rising skill will costs 1000 golds. The cold weather flying skill cannot be discounted and requires at least level 77.
The mount is used to help the death knight to ride on the backs of exotic beasts. Besides the death knight, the warlocks and paladins can also be used to summon mounts as class perk. By mounting on a beast, the death knight can travel faster than walking. In the burning crusade expansion, the flying mount is introduced.
In the past, mounts are expensive but their prices are now lowered. However, the cost of the training to ride them has increased. Some of the mounts don’t require any gold or Marks of Honor. These types of mounts are usually offered at very low rates from bosses such as stratholme, Sethekk Halls, Karazhan, and Urgarde Pinnacle.
In general, there is a 1.5 second castig time for mounts. During the casting time, it can be interrupted by damage or entering combat. When you are not moving, you can press the space bar on your keyboard to perform a special action such as hawskstriders will shriek.
The death knight can increase their mounting speed through enchantments and skills. Some of the speed increase items include Mithril Spurs, Riding Crop and Crusader Aura. Mithril Spurs, Riding Crop and Crusader Aura will not work with players above the level 70.
In the world of warcraft, there are seven types of mounts including Riding Turtle, Sea Turtle, Felsteed, Great Brown Kodo, Flying Machine, Turbo Charged Flying Machine Control and Ashes of Al’ar. Riding Turtle mount cannot increase speed. Sea Turtle mount can increase 60% of water movement speed. Felsteed mount can increase 60% of ground movement speed. Great Brown Kodo can increase 100% of ground movement speed. The flying machine mount can increase 60% of ground movement speed and 150% of air speed. The turbo charged flying machine control can increase 100% of ground movement speed and 280% of air speed. The Ashes of Al’ar can increase 100% of ground movement speed and 310% of air speed.
There are four riding skills including Apprentice (Level 20), Journeyman (Level 40), Expert (Level 60) and Artisan (Level 70). All the land mounts can swim through bodies of water therefore the death knight will not have to remount after leaving the water.
The cost for the training of Apprentice riding skill is 4 golds and 1 gold for the mount. The rare ground mounts has the ability to increase 60% of movement speed. It was lowered to level 40 and 90 to undergo training in Patch 2.4.3. In Patch 3.2.0, it was reduced to level 30 and 35.
The cost of the training for the journey man riding skill is 50 gold and 10 gold for the mount. The epic ground mount can increase 100% of the movement speed. After completing the quests Grand Theft palomino and Into the Realm of Shadows, the epic ground mount called the Acherus deathchanger will be given to the death knights.
The training cost of the expert riding skill costs 259 golds while the cost of the mount is 50 golds. For Horde players, the expert skill is taught by Wind Rider Jahubo in Tharallmar in Hellfire Peninsula. For Alliance players, the expert skill is learned from Hargen Bronzewing in Honor Hold. The expert riding skill is also learned from llsa Blusterbrew in Wildammer Stronghold and Shadowmoon Valley.
The training cost for the artisan riding skill is 500 golds while the mount will cost 100 golds. The epic flying mounts can increase 100% of the ground movement speed and 280% of the air movement speed.The cold weather flying rising skill will costs 1000 golds. The cold weather flying skill cannot be discounted and requires at least level 77.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Death Knight vs Rogue
This is a guest article submission on Death Knights vs Rogues.
Rogue is not very difficult for the death knight because of the parry chance and heavy armor. You can use the rune strike to increase the power of your melee attack. However, you should not use the death coil except you want to kite them.
You should not attempt to stun but save it for his kidney shot. If you possess the runic power, you can tricket out from his cheap shot and use the Icebound Fortitude to defend from a kidney shot. You can also put Mark of Blood on the rogues and this will effectively defend you from the rogue’s fast attack speed which can damage you for 20 seconds. While keeping the rogue at range, you can use the death coils or ghoul to damage them. After that, you can use Icy Touch and Chains of Ice to damage them depending on the situation. Most of the time, you will not want to use icy touch on the rogue except in frost spec condition. If you manage to escape from their stun lock, you can pop cool downs to ease the severity of the damage and kite the rogue. If you follow these steps, you should win the fight.
If you possess the glyph of raise dead, you might get lucky because of the reduced global cool down. If the rogue chep shot you, you must trinket out of it. Next, you should summon the ghoul for 20 runic powers and use the icebound fortitude to escape from the kidney shot.
If you come across a rogue and they attack you, you can use icebound fortitude on him. If the rogue discovers your immunity and waits, you can spam them.
You can also cast diseases on the rogue to stop vanish. However, you can use the CloS to eliminate them completely. Since the rogue will keep on attacking while in invinsible form, you should cast Unholy Blight or Summon Gargoyle anytime.
You can also stop a running rogue by telling your ghoul to follow you and attack them again. If the rogue stealth, your ghoul will know their whereabouts.
Most death knights is not familiar that the rogue poison can be absorbed by the anti magic shell. When a rogue use poison on you, you can pop the AMS to kite them and watch how it absorbs the crippling poision. Despite that, this technique is useless if the effect of the crippling poison already get you. If the Icebound Fortitude did not successfully defeat the enemy, you can pop the trinket and instantly pop the AMS to kit them. The trinket has the ability to remove crippling. By using your shield, you will be immune and able to kit the rogue. You should attack with the chains of ice on the rogue until it wears off. Most of the time, the glyph is used as the glyph of anti magic shell. The glyph of anti magic shell will lengthen duration of the AMS by 2 seconds. Although 2 seconds is brief, it can be used to determine a battle in PVP.
Rogue is not very difficult for the death knight because of the parry chance and heavy armor. You can use the rune strike to increase the power of your melee attack. However, you should not use the death coil except you want to kite them.
You should not attempt to stun but save it for his kidney shot. If you possess the runic power, you can tricket out from his cheap shot and use the Icebound Fortitude to defend from a kidney shot. You can also put Mark of Blood on the rogues and this will effectively defend you from the rogue’s fast attack speed which can damage you for 20 seconds. While keeping the rogue at range, you can use the death coils or ghoul to damage them. After that, you can use Icy Touch and Chains of Ice to damage them depending on the situation. Most of the time, you will not want to use icy touch on the rogue except in frost spec condition. If you manage to escape from their stun lock, you can pop cool downs to ease the severity of the damage and kite the rogue. If you follow these steps, you should win the fight.
If you possess the glyph of raise dead, you might get lucky because of the reduced global cool down. If the rogue chep shot you, you must trinket out of it. Next, you should summon the ghoul for 20 runic powers and use the icebound fortitude to escape from the kidney shot.
If you come across a rogue and they attack you, you can use icebound fortitude on him. If the rogue discovers your immunity and waits, you can spam them.
You can also cast diseases on the rogue to stop vanish. However, you can use the CloS to eliminate them completely. Since the rogue will keep on attacking while in invinsible form, you should cast Unholy Blight or Summon Gargoyle anytime.
You can also stop a running rogue by telling your ghoul to follow you and attack them again. If the rogue stealth, your ghoul will know their whereabouts.
Most death knights is not familiar that the rogue poison can be absorbed by the anti magic shell. When a rogue use poison on you, you can pop the AMS to kite them and watch how it absorbs the crippling poision. Despite that, this technique is useless if the effect of the crippling poison already get you. If the Icebound Fortitude did not successfully defeat the enemy, you can pop the trinket and instantly pop the AMS to kit them. The trinket has the ability to remove crippling. By using your shield, you will be immune and able to kit the rogue. You should attack with the chains of ice on the rogue until it wears off. Most of the time, the glyph is used as the glyph of anti magic shell. The glyph of anti magic shell will lengthen duration of the AMS by 2 seconds. Although 2 seconds is brief, it can be used to determine a battle in PVP.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Death Knight vs Paladin
This is a guest article submission on Death Knights vs Paladins.
One of the most difficult opponents of death knight is the paladin. The death knight must damage the paladin before they can regenerate health. Despite that, if you are in melee range, your health will be destroyed in a brief time so it is better to remain in frost presence. In addition, you should pop the cooldowns early. When the enemy uses the hammer of justice against you, you must use icebound fortitude to fight it.
There must be a distance between you and the paladin while you are damaging them with the icy touch and death coil. Staying close to the paladin can injure you so you will want to keep them within a few feet away. The death knight should only get near them when using the rune stroke/death stroke/frost strike combos.
If you want to be close to them, make sure it is instant because they might use the two handed weapons on you. The damage caused by the two handed weapons will be faster that you are able to regenerate with blood abilities. You should not use mark of blood since they are useless against DPS paladins. Instead you should make them pop bubble, and run to a distance. Once at a distance, you can use the rune tap to turn the blood rune into 10% of your maximum health. When your health is restored, you can prepare to kill again.
One of the reasons why Ret pally is hard to defeat is that they cleanse spam. Since they are cleanse spamming, you can use the frost runes for icy touch. If possible, you can use the plague strike because he does not have the ability to cleanse the aoe showing effect. If the freedom is on cd, you will have a few seconds to apply the diseases and use death strike to heal yourself. When the enemy is up, you can use anti-magic shell to fight it. If you are equipped with an addon called afflicted, you can use it when the pally use its seal on you. If the apally absorb the afflicted power, it will not be able to regain mana so that he cannot cleanse as much.
The protection paladins are another enemy of the death knight. Protection paladins gain mana and hp through the death knight’s melee attacks. Therefore, you must keep a distance from them. Because protection paladins have a large amount of HP and armor, you will need to spend a lot of time with them. You should not waste the life drainers by using them with full HP. During the early fight, you should use the anti magic shell and avoid the avenger’s shield. To keep the pally inside it, you can use the anti magic zone. If the pally escape, you should death grip it back. You can also kit the prot pally because kiting it is thr protadins main weakness. Once the paladin is above level 75, they will have the power to use shieldbase to deal with the large damage. In addition, paladins can fear undead for approximately twenty seconds which removed your undead pet and cause you to be kept in undead form. If the army of the dead is used as a last resolution, and the paladin did not used the divine protection until now, there is a high possibility that he will use to counter all the army’s blows.
One of the most difficult opponents of death knight is the paladin. The death knight must damage the paladin before they can regenerate health. Despite that, if you are in melee range, your health will be destroyed in a brief time so it is better to remain in frost presence. In addition, you should pop the cooldowns early. When the enemy uses the hammer of justice against you, you must use icebound fortitude to fight it.
There must be a distance between you and the paladin while you are damaging them with the icy touch and death coil. Staying close to the paladin can injure you so you will want to keep them within a few feet away. The death knight should only get near them when using the rune stroke/death stroke/frost strike combos.
If you want to be close to them, make sure it is instant because they might use the two handed weapons on you. The damage caused by the two handed weapons will be faster that you are able to regenerate with blood abilities. You should not use mark of blood since they are useless against DPS paladins. Instead you should make them pop bubble, and run to a distance. Once at a distance, you can use the rune tap to turn the blood rune into 10% of your maximum health. When your health is restored, you can prepare to kill again.
One of the reasons why Ret pally is hard to defeat is that they cleanse spam. Since they are cleanse spamming, you can use the frost runes for icy touch. If possible, you can use the plague strike because he does not have the ability to cleanse the aoe showing effect. If the freedom is on cd, you will have a few seconds to apply the diseases and use death strike to heal yourself. When the enemy is up, you can use anti-magic shell to fight it. If you are equipped with an addon called afflicted, you can use it when the pally use its seal on you. If the apally absorb the afflicted power, it will not be able to regain mana so that he cannot cleanse as much.
The protection paladins are another enemy of the death knight. Protection paladins gain mana and hp through the death knight’s melee attacks. Therefore, you must keep a distance from them. Because protection paladins have a large amount of HP and armor, you will need to spend a lot of time with them. You should not waste the life drainers by using them with full HP. During the early fight, you should use the anti magic shell and avoid the avenger’s shield. To keep the pally inside it, you can use the anti magic zone. If the pally escape, you should death grip it back. You can also kit the prot pally because kiting it is thr protadins main weakness. Once the paladin is above level 75, they will have the power to use shieldbase to deal with the large damage. In addition, paladins can fear undead for approximately twenty seconds which removed your undead pet and cause you to be kept in undead form. If the army of the dead is used as a last resolution, and the paladin did not used the divine protection until now, there is a high possibility that he will use to counter all the army’s blows.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Death Knight vs Mage
This is a guest article submission on Death Knights vs Mages.
Mage are DPS caster which has the power to create burst damage and cast area of effect spells. The main function of the mage is to damage dealing and crowd control by implementing the polymorph. By using the polymorph, the mage will turn humanoids and beasts into critters that is not capable of causing harm. Generally, you should never use death grip to make an initial interrupt in the fight. The death grip is suitable for ranged classes or people that want to run.
Death knights are equipped to defend himself with any threat from the mage. The opening sequence is the most important factor because it will determine the rest of the fight. Your ghoul must not be with you. The mage will rush towards you and release the frost nova on you. If they manage to frost nova you, the deep freeze will follow. To oppose this, it is important that you build your runic power before the battle begins. To build the runic power, you can place the D & D on the ground and utilize the horn of winter. When the battle begin, you are to use the anti magic shell ability to absorb the damage of offensive spells and converts to runic power. If the mage happens to blink, you can death grip it back. However, a powerful mage will steal a magic buff from you so that you cannot death grip it. The mage will benefit from the stolen buff for 2 minutes. You must apply the chains of ice towards the enemies so that you can get all the cc you need.
If the mage attempt to use polymorph on you, you must pop Lichborne. The polymorph will transform you into an undead knight so that you become immune to sheeped. You must never use AMS to absorb sheep. The AMS should only be used to absorb damaging spells. When the mage pop mirror image, you can wield the weapon pestilence to cause the disease to spread from the mage to the clones. If you can quickly off the pestilence, the mage and his clones will perish in a brief time. After that you must pop anti magic zone if so that you have some time to spot out the real cone. If the mage ice blocks, you can perform as many damage as possible until the mage depart from the ice block.
The main weapons that you will use against the enemies include Chains of Ice, Plague Strike, Death strike and Death Coil. You should not use the scourge strike on the mage because the death strike is required once you are near enough to a mage for melee. When necessary, you can apply spells such as Mind Freeze and Strangulate. You should store enough Anti Magic Shell to protect yourself in case he or she pop the Shatter combo. If you continue to deal the damages in this way, you will surely win the battle since the mage has no healing skills.
Mage are DPS caster which has the power to create burst damage and cast area of effect spells. The main function of the mage is to damage dealing and crowd control by implementing the polymorph. By using the polymorph, the mage will turn humanoids and beasts into critters that is not capable of causing harm. Generally, you should never use death grip to make an initial interrupt in the fight. The death grip is suitable for ranged classes or people that want to run.
Death knights are equipped to defend himself with any threat from the mage. The opening sequence is the most important factor because it will determine the rest of the fight. Your ghoul must not be with you. The mage will rush towards you and release the frost nova on you. If they manage to frost nova you, the deep freeze will follow. To oppose this, it is important that you build your runic power before the battle begins. To build the runic power, you can place the D & D on the ground and utilize the horn of winter. When the battle begin, you are to use the anti magic shell ability to absorb the damage of offensive spells and converts to runic power. If the mage happens to blink, you can death grip it back. However, a powerful mage will steal a magic buff from you so that you cannot death grip it. The mage will benefit from the stolen buff for 2 minutes. You must apply the chains of ice towards the enemies so that you can get all the cc you need.
If the mage attempt to use polymorph on you, you must pop Lichborne. The polymorph will transform you into an undead knight so that you become immune to sheeped. You must never use AMS to absorb sheep. The AMS should only be used to absorb damaging spells. When the mage pop mirror image, you can wield the weapon pestilence to cause the disease to spread from the mage to the clones. If you can quickly off the pestilence, the mage and his clones will perish in a brief time. After that you must pop anti magic zone if so that you have some time to spot out the real cone. If the mage ice blocks, you can perform as many damage as possible until the mage depart from the ice block.
The main weapons that you will use against the enemies include Chains of Ice, Plague Strike, Death strike and Death Coil. You should not use the scourge strike on the mage because the death strike is required once you are near enough to a mage for melee. When necessary, you can apply spells such as Mind Freeze and Strangulate. You should store enough Anti Magic Shell to protect yourself in case he or she pop the Shatter combo. If you continue to deal the damages in this way, you will surely win the battle since the mage has no healing skills.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Death Knight Tanking Rotations
This is a guest article submission discussing Death Knight Tanking rotations.
Tanking rotation is different than damage rotation because the spells that is used will be different. One of the disadvantages of the tanking rotation is that it is very hard to establish a rotation because of the different tanking situation. Tanking death knight has two important roles which is surviving and producing the highest threat on the enemies.
Passive defensive abilities are always kept at the highest level so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Active defensive abilities will help to increase your life span but they must be placed on the spell bar. It is difficult to place the active defensive abilities in a predetermined spell rotation because they are only used when you cannot be healed. Good tanking death knights will protect their healers and keep them alive. The cool down of the spells will stop them from being up throughout the time.
Offensive abilities are used by the tanking death knight to cause damage in order to hold the agro. Single enemy tanks uses power that are very similar to the damage spell rotations. The situation will become difficult when you are tanking several groups of mobs.
After you have applied the diseases on the Icy Touch and Plague Strike, you will use the pestilence ability. The pestilence ability will cause 65 – 79 shadow damage on the foes located within 0 yard. This ability will also spread the diseases on the targets to other enemies. The diseases that are applied on the enemies will last for a full duration. The pestilence ability is useful as an aoe disease refresher.
The blood boil had the ability to boil the blood of the enemies within 10 yards. It can also cause the 180 - 220 shadow damage. The blood boil is used after you have spread the diseases on the targets with pestilence. With the blood boil ability, you will be able to cause a lot of agro. After using this ability, you must reapply to other diseases.
The dark command will command the target to attack you. The dark command will put you at the top of the threat list when are unable to overcome the mob. Before the dark command spell end, you should first build on the threat.
The strangulate ability will strangulate the enemy and keep him silence for 5 seconds. This ability will also deal with 180 shadow damage at the end of the spell. The strangulate ability is suitable for tanks that are tanking caster mobs and need them to come to you. When you use this ability, the diseased mob will run to you to perform the melee. The bonus of the strangulate ability is that it will offers a small amount of damage after the silence has ended.
The rune strike ability will throw off your rotation and limit the threat generation when the mob resists on your abilities. Rune strike should be used whenever you are starting a threat on the enemies.
The death and decay ability is used in multiple mob tanking. Although it is expensive, the 30 second cool down allow you to perform many other task in between the cast.
Tanking rotation is different than damage rotation because the spells that is used will be different. One of the disadvantages of the tanking rotation is that it is very hard to establish a rotation because of the different tanking situation. Tanking death knight has two important roles which is surviving and producing the highest threat on the enemies.
Passive defensive abilities are always kept at the highest level so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Active defensive abilities will help to increase your life span but they must be placed on the spell bar. It is difficult to place the active defensive abilities in a predetermined spell rotation because they are only used when you cannot be healed. Good tanking death knights will protect their healers and keep them alive. The cool down of the spells will stop them from being up throughout the time.
Offensive abilities are used by the tanking death knight to cause damage in order to hold the agro. Single enemy tanks uses power that are very similar to the damage spell rotations. The situation will become difficult when you are tanking several groups of mobs.
After you have applied the diseases on the Icy Touch and Plague Strike, you will use the pestilence ability. The pestilence ability will cause 65 – 79 shadow damage on the foes located within 0 yard. This ability will also spread the diseases on the targets to other enemies. The diseases that are applied on the enemies will last for a full duration. The pestilence ability is useful as an aoe disease refresher.
The blood boil had the ability to boil the blood of the enemies within 10 yards. It can also cause the 180 - 220 shadow damage. The blood boil is used after you have spread the diseases on the targets with pestilence. With the blood boil ability, you will be able to cause a lot of agro. After using this ability, you must reapply to other diseases.
The dark command will command the target to attack you. The dark command will put you at the top of the threat list when are unable to overcome the mob. Before the dark command spell end, you should first build on the threat.
The strangulate ability will strangulate the enemy and keep him silence for 5 seconds. This ability will also deal with 180 shadow damage at the end of the spell. The strangulate ability is suitable for tanks that are tanking caster mobs and need them to come to you. When you use this ability, the diseased mob will run to you to perform the melee. The bonus of the strangulate ability is that it will offers a small amount of damage after the silence has ended.
The rune strike ability will throw off your rotation and limit the threat generation when the mob resists on your abilities. Rune strike should be used whenever you are starting a threat on the enemies.
The death and decay ability is used in multiple mob tanking. Although it is expensive, the 30 second cool down allow you to perform many other task in between the cast.
Death Knight Damage Rotations
This is a guest article submission on Death Knight damage spell and ability rotations.
The basic spell rotation is built on the runes and runic power which forms the resource systems for death knights. The runes are an essential elements of the death knight. They are available In three forms including blood rune, frost runes and unholy runes. The runic power is generated when the death knight uses its rune abilities. If the runic power is not spent, it can decay after a period of time. From the basic rotation, other spells and abilities are substituted into it.
The basic spell rotation uses six abilities including Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Obliterate and Death Coil. In this spell rotation, the death knight will applies 2 main diseases to the foul. The death knight will obtain its abilities from attacking the mobs that are infected by diseases. The death knight can also use an ability to consume the damage so that he can get bonus damage. From the basic rotation, the death knight can build any spell rotation.
The blood death knight spell rotation uses 6 abilities including icy touch, plague strike, heart strike, heart strike, obliterate and death coil. In this rotation, the heart strike ability replaces the blood strike ability in the basic rotation. The blood death knight rotation is based on the similar resources as Blood Strike. In addition, the blood death knight can take advantage of the diseases to build a stronger rotation. You can replace the death coil with any rune power.
The frost death knight spell rotation uses 11 abilities including Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Obliterate and Hungering Cold. This spell rotation is specced fro Annihilation during the first half spell rotation. The rotation ends with the death knight applying the diseases on the foul. In this way, the frost death knight doesn’t have to reapply the diseases on the enemy by using the Icy Touch and Plague Strike. The Obliterate ability will require the frost and unholy runes. With this spell rotation, your best choice is to use the frost strike and hungering cold. You should choose the ability of your choice based on your circumstances. If you want to damage the enemy, you can use frost strike.
The Unholy Death Knight’s spell rotation uses 11 abilities including Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike and Death Coil. The most powerful ability in this rotation is the Scourge Strike which replaces the Obliterate ability. The Obliterate ability is a more powerful version which does not consume the diseases. However, Obliterate cannot consume the diseases when it is used with the talent Annihilation. The second rotation starts with Scourge Strike because the diseases are not consumed yet. In addition, the unholy death knight will have two more choices for using runic power including Summon Gargoyle and Death Coil. Summon Gargoyle and Death Coil can be used if it happens that the runes are cool down.
The basic spell rotation is built on the runes and runic power which forms the resource systems for death knights. The runes are an essential elements of the death knight. They are available In three forms including blood rune, frost runes and unholy runes. The runic power is generated when the death knight uses its rune abilities. If the runic power is not spent, it can decay after a period of time. From the basic rotation, other spells and abilities are substituted into it.
The basic spell rotation uses six abilities including Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Obliterate and Death Coil. In this spell rotation, the death knight will applies 2 main diseases to the foul. The death knight will obtain its abilities from attacking the mobs that are infected by diseases. The death knight can also use an ability to consume the damage so that he can get bonus damage. From the basic rotation, the death knight can build any spell rotation.
The blood death knight spell rotation uses 6 abilities including icy touch, plague strike, heart strike, heart strike, obliterate and death coil. In this rotation, the heart strike ability replaces the blood strike ability in the basic rotation. The blood death knight rotation is based on the similar resources as Blood Strike. In addition, the blood death knight can take advantage of the diseases to build a stronger rotation. You can replace the death coil with any rune power.
The frost death knight spell rotation uses 11 abilities including Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Obliterate and Hungering Cold. This spell rotation is specced fro Annihilation during the first half spell rotation. The rotation ends with the death knight applying the diseases on the foul. In this way, the frost death knight doesn’t have to reapply the diseases on the enemy by using the Icy Touch and Plague Strike. The Obliterate ability will require the frost and unholy runes. With this spell rotation, your best choice is to use the frost strike and hungering cold. You should choose the ability of your choice based on your circumstances. If you want to damage the enemy, you can use frost strike.
The Unholy Death Knight’s spell rotation uses 11 abilities including Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike and Death Coil. The most powerful ability in this rotation is the Scourge Strike which replaces the Obliterate ability. The Obliterate ability is a more powerful version which does not consume the diseases. However, Obliterate cannot consume the diseases when it is used with the talent Annihilation. The second rotation starts with Scourge Strike because the diseases are not consumed yet. In addition, the unholy death knight will have two more choices for using runic power including Summon Gargoyle and Death Coil. Summon Gargoyle and Death Coil can be used if it happens that the runes are cool down.
Death Knight Sigils
This is a guest article on the differences and availability of Death Knight Sigils.
There are a number of sigils in the game. However, Blizzard claimed that there will be more sigils for the death knight. At the present moment, all the sigils will increase your damage because of the lack of tanking sigils.
Sigil of the dark rider is given to you after you have created the character. The sigil of the dark rider will increase the damage dealt through the blood strike and heart stroke by 90. This sigil is the solid basis. However, if you hit Northrend, you must replace it.
Sigil of awareness will increase the damage dealt through the scourge strike by 189. In addition, it will increase the damage dealth by the obliterate strike by 336 and death strike by 315. This sigil is suitable for death knights that are unholy spec but with lesser frost spec. Due to the fact that you can spam scourge strike as unholy, you will be able to use this sigil on most of the assails against you. Frost spec will use obliterate lesser but it is still the best choice. If you are a blood death knight, you should not use this sigil because they will use Obliterate to cause the effect of the death runes.
Sigil of haunted dreams will increase the base damage dealt by blood strike and heart strike by 173 strikes in 10 seconds. Because death knight produce lots of blood/heart strokes, it makes the sigil likely to proc. This sigil can be obtained for 15 Northrend heroid badges
Sigil of unfaltering knight increases the defense rating for the icy touch by 53. This sigil is suitable for tanking death knight that have not obtain the recommended defense rating. Most tanking death knight has the icy touch as part of their rotation so the sigil of unfaltering knight is good for them.
Sigil of arthritic binding will increase the base damage dealt by the scourge strike ability by 91.53. This sigil is suitable for unholy death knight that is unable to obtain the sigil from 25 man Naxxramas. If you spam the enemies with scourge strike, your blood runes will transform into death runes.
Sigil of the wild buck increase the base damage dealt by your death coil ability by 80. This sigil is suitable for all kinds of death knights except frost death knights that has the frost strike spec.
Sigil of the frozen conscience increase the damage dealt by icy touch ability by 111. This sigil is used with the Icy Touch. However, before choosing this sigil, you must determine how often you are going to use Icy Touch. If you are an unholy death knight, you will not regularly use it because the scourge strike will refresh the diseases. Blood and frost death knight can obtain talents which will lengthen the duration of diseases so the icy touch is only use to apply to its disease.
Sigil of deflection will cause your runes ability to grant 136 dodge rating for 5 seconds. This sigil is suitable for tanking death knight which can gain access to the Ulduar loot. The sigil of deflection can be obtained from Razorscale.
Sigil of the Vengeful Heart will increase the damage dealt by the Death Coil ability by 380 and frost strike ability by 113. This sigil is suitable for the any death knight including blood death knight, frost death knight and unholy death knight that carry out destruction up to Ulduar.

Sigil of the dark rider is given to you after you have created the character. The sigil of the dark rider will increase the damage dealt through the blood strike and heart stroke by 90. This sigil is the solid basis. However, if you hit Northrend, you must replace it.
Sigil of awareness will increase the damage dealt through the scourge strike by 189. In addition, it will increase the damage dealth by the obliterate strike by 336 and death strike by 315. This sigil is suitable for death knights that are unholy spec but with lesser frost spec. Due to the fact that you can spam scourge strike as unholy, you will be able to use this sigil on most of the assails against you. Frost spec will use obliterate lesser but it is still the best choice. If you are a blood death knight, you should not use this sigil because they will use Obliterate to cause the effect of the death runes.
Sigil of haunted dreams will increase the base damage dealt by blood strike and heart strike by 173 strikes in 10 seconds. Because death knight produce lots of blood/heart strokes, it makes the sigil likely to proc. This sigil can be obtained for 15 Northrend heroid badges
Sigil of unfaltering knight increases the defense rating for the icy touch by 53. This sigil is suitable for tanking death knight that have not obtain the recommended defense rating. Most tanking death knight has the icy touch as part of their rotation so the sigil of unfaltering knight is good for them.
Sigil of arthritic binding will increase the base damage dealt by the scourge strike ability by 91.53. This sigil is suitable for unholy death knight that is unable to obtain the sigil from 25 man Naxxramas. If you spam the enemies with scourge strike, your blood runes will transform into death runes.
Sigil of the wild buck increase the base damage dealt by your death coil ability by 80. This sigil is suitable for all kinds of death knights except frost death knights that has the frost strike spec.
Sigil of the frozen conscience increase the damage dealt by icy touch ability by 111. This sigil is used with the Icy Touch. However, before choosing this sigil, you must determine how often you are going to use Icy Touch. If you are an unholy death knight, you will not regularly use it because the scourge strike will refresh the diseases. Blood and frost death knight can obtain talents which will lengthen the duration of diseases so the icy touch is only use to apply to its disease.
Sigil of deflection will cause your runes ability to grant 136 dodge rating for 5 seconds. This sigil is suitable for tanking death knight which can gain access to the Ulduar loot. The sigil of deflection can be obtained from Razorscale.
Sigil of the Vengeful Heart will increase the damage dealt by the Death Coil ability by 380 and frost strike ability by 113. This sigil is suitable for the any death knight including blood death knight, frost death knight and unholy death knight that carry out destruction up to Ulduar.
Death Knight Tanks
This is a guest article submission on Death Knight Tanks.
Although Blizzard had claimed that the death knight is a hybrid tanking/DPS class, there are very little information on how death knights can serve as tanks. When coming to tanking, death knight are often looked down by other tanks. If you roll a death knight tank, you must keep in mind that a druid, paladin or warrior will often be selected by the group. One of the reasons is that you have less experience tanking. Besides, you are not equipped with a shield.
The tank has three important functions. Firstly, they must be able to create more threat compare with the healer on all targets. The thread is the number which is the priority on the agro table. The character located on the highest level on the agro table is central focus of the mob. When the tank is being healed, the healer will cause threat on the foes so the tank must protect the healer from the foes by staying in front of them on threat. Secondly, the tank and healer must survive. The tank will protect itself by dodging off hits, easing the severity of the damage coming in its direction and create a lot of hit points. In order to survive, the tank and the healer must work together so that the tank will require less healing and stay longer in the battle. Thirdly, the tank must generate threat on the primary target so that the damage dealers can kill it effectively. It is important to note that the tank’s responsibility is not to generate thread but to remain below the threat.
The first two functions are of utmost importance because if they are unsuccessful, they will perish and the group will be wiped out in a very short time.
Death knight possess only one threat generating ability which is the Rune Strike. The Rune Strike creates a next melee swing hit for 150% of normal damage, and 175% bonus threat which sum up for 262.5% of the thread of a normal attack. Generally the death knight utilizes a similar rotation as the DPS death knight but there are some exceptions. When aiming at more than one targets, the death knight can use death and decay because it provides a lot of bonus threat.
The frost presence is essential while tanking because it can increase the total armor by sixty percent and the total stamina by six percent. In addition, frost presence will generate 2.0735x bonus threats for each of the damage released to the enemy. Frost presence gives the death knight ability to tank without requiring a shield just like in the Druid’s Bear form. Due to the fact that death knight can attain a large numbers of armors without a shield, the death knight can use two hand weapon. As a result, they can significantly increase the damage release to the Prot warrior or Prot Paladin.
All death knights are equipped with certain survival abilities including icy touch, mind freeze, death strike strangulate, death pact, icebound fortitude, anti magic shell and chains of ice. Each of this survival ability will protect the death knight in their unique way so the death knight can do his or her job of holding agro.
Although Blizzard had claimed that the death knight is a hybrid tanking/DPS class, there are very little information on how death knights can serve as tanks. When coming to tanking, death knight are often looked down by other tanks. If you roll a death knight tank, you must keep in mind that a druid, paladin or warrior will often be selected by the group. One of the reasons is that you have less experience tanking. Besides, you are not equipped with a shield.
The tank has three important functions. Firstly, they must be able to create more threat compare with the healer on all targets. The thread is the number which is the priority on the agro table. The character located on the highest level on the agro table is central focus of the mob. When the tank is being healed, the healer will cause threat on the foes so the tank must protect the healer from the foes by staying in front of them on threat. Secondly, the tank and healer must survive. The tank will protect itself by dodging off hits, easing the severity of the damage coming in its direction and create a lot of hit points. In order to survive, the tank and the healer must work together so that the tank will require less healing and stay longer in the battle. Thirdly, the tank must generate threat on the primary target so that the damage dealers can kill it effectively. It is important to note that the tank’s responsibility is not to generate thread but to remain below the threat.
The first two functions are of utmost importance because if they are unsuccessful, they will perish and the group will be wiped out in a very short time.
Death knight possess only one threat generating ability which is the Rune Strike. The Rune Strike creates a next melee swing hit for 150% of normal damage, and 175% bonus threat which sum up for 262.5% of the thread of a normal attack. Generally the death knight utilizes a similar rotation as the DPS death knight but there are some exceptions. When aiming at more than one targets, the death knight can use death and decay because it provides a lot of bonus threat.
The frost presence is essential while tanking because it can increase the total armor by sixty percent and the total stamina by six percent. In addition, frost presence will generate 2.0735x bonus threats for each of the damage released to the enemy. Frost presence gives the death knight ability to tank without requiring a shield just like in the Druid’s Bear form. Due to the fact that death knight can attain a large numbers of armors without a shield, the death knight can use two hand weapon. As a result, they can significantly increase the damage release to the Prot warrior or Prot Paladin.
All death knights are equipped with certain survival abilities including icy touch, mind freeze, death strike strangulate, death pact, icebound fortitude, anti magic shell and chains of ice. Each of this survival ability will protect the death knight in their unique way so the death knight can do his or her job of holding agro.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Death Knight Leveling from 55 - 58
This is a guest article submission on leveling your Death Knight from 55 to 58 in the World of Warcraft MMORPG.
Death Knight is a playable characters on an account with level 55 or higher character. At the beginning of the game, you will start at level 55, where there is a floating citadel on top of the eastern plaguelands. The eastern plagueland is only accessible by Death Knights.
The Death Knight is equipped with tools such as a set of gear, and 4 x deathweave bag. The first aid skill gives the Death Knight ability to make and use bandages for up to a potential skill of 300. The Death Knight can use the cloth to make bandages found on the humanoids.
In addition, the Death Knight is equipped with 225 skills in riding from the beginning. The riding skill allows them to ride on non epic flying mounts at a speed of 150%. With the riding skill, the Death Knight can be trained at level 60 at the cost of 250. If the Death Knight has exalted reputation, the cost can be discounted for up to 200. For example, if you want to train with Orc trainer Kildar, the cost can be discounted based on the reputation from Orgrimmar. In this case, gamers are required to train their riding skill with the Orc trainer. If he is exalted with another race or visiting a northtrend trainer, he will not be required to train with the respective race’s trainer. You can buy the flying mount from the trainer for 50. The flying mount will be consumed upon learning the mount. Later, you will be able to use the mount to cast spell in the Mounts section of the Pets tab. For the current expansion, players can only use the flying amount in Outland and Northtrend.
As you proceed through the game, you will encounter different quests that form the Death Knight story line. Once you finished the game, you are equipped with a quality set of gear, a free epic land mount and flightpoints.
One leveling tip is to follow the instruction and not skip the Death Knight quest. If you put the talent points into talent, you will reduce the downtime and increase the Death Knight’s damage. The auto loot feature allows you to save time when looting bodies. You can turn on auto loot by pressing ESC on the keyboard. Next, you should select Options > Controls > Auto Loot. It is recommended that you don’t waste your time finding group. Instead, you should only group with people when necessary. You should use only one weapon because it is time consuming to level the weapon skill. Since you start out with a sword, you can use the two handed swords for the rest of your leveling. PVP will slow you down when you are performing the leveling. If possible, you should not confront the PVP and avoid the opponents. Confronting the PVP will put you at a higher risk compare to drying world mobs and slow you down. In addition, killing the enemy players will not give you any XP at all.
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Types of Death Knights
This is a guest article submission on the roles Death Knights can fill in the World of Warcraft.
World of Warcraft is a famous game with millions of fans around the world. Many players spend several hours playing the game on the internet. One of the most prominent characters in the game is the Death Knight. The Death Knight will start to appear at level 55. Like the tanks, Death Knights is very destructive in the battlefield. There are 3 types of Death Knights including first generation Death Knight, second generation Death Knight, and third generation Death Knight.
The first generation of Death Knights is created by instilling the soul of an orc warlock into a corpse of the fallen knight of Azeroth. The knights cannot fight efficiently in the battle but they are intelligent and have superior magic power. They can use terror tactics to resurrect the fallen enemy soldiers to make them their servants. The fallen enemy soldiers will attempt to protect the Death Knight from the enemies in the battle field.
The second generation Death Knight is created from a group of fallen paladins. The paladins’ souls are twisted and succumbed to the Frozen Throne. Unlike the first generation Death Knights, they have unlimited casting spell ability. The paladins are former skilled warriors in the art of physical combat and can cast death coil, enhance the allied movement and resurrect the fallen enemies. The second generation death knights can also use the Death Pact spell to destroy the minion to obtain more health. Modern Death Knights are more flexible compare with the first generation Death Knights. Despite that, both the first and second generation of Death Knights are highly destructive and aggressive when face with enemies in the battle field.
The third generation Death Knights is originally created by the Lich King to support Acherus: The Ebon Hold. The Death Knight is includes a small number of the second generation Death Knights. Knights of the Ebon Blade can remove the scarlet crusade from the Plaguelands. In the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion, the Death Knight is freed from the Lich King but ally with their former factions. Under the supervision of the Highlord Darion Mograine, the freed Death Knights is now marching toward Northrend. The third generations Death Knights are an imitation of the previous incarnation and are equipped with melee abilities, and plate armor. They possess the dark magic which help them to fight against their enemies. By using the runic power, they can cast three different types of spells including unholy, blood and frost spells.
The Death Knight character takes a long time to build and often frustrate players who don’t know how to use them efficiently. If you want to find out the major options for the Death Knight character, you should buy a good Death Knight leveling guide.
World of Warcraft is a famous game with millions of fans around the world. Many players spend several hours playing the game on the internet. One of the most prominent characters in the game is the Death Knight. The Death Knight will start to appear at level 55. Like the tanks, Death Knights is very destructive in the battlefield. There are 3 types of Death Knights including first generation Death Knight, second generation Death Knight, and third generation Death Knight.
The first generation of Death Knights is created by instilling the soul of an orc warlock into a corpse of the fallen knight of Azeroth. The knights cannot fight efficiently in the battle but they are intelligent and have superior magic power. They can use terror tactics to resurrect the fallen enemy soldiers to make them their servants. The fallen enemy soldiers will attempt to protect the Death Knight from the enemies in the battle field.
The second generation Death Knight is created from a group of fallen paladins. The paladins’ souls are twisted and succumbed to the Frozen Throne. Unlike the first generation Death Knights, they have unlimited casting spell ability. The paladins are former skilled warriors in the art of physical combat and can cast death coil, enhance the allied movement and resurrect the fallen enemies. The second generation death knights can also use the Death Pact spell to destroy the minion to obtain more health. Modern Death Knights are more flexible compare with the first generation Death Knights. Despite that, both the first and second generation of Death Knights are highly destructive and aggressive when face with enemies in the battle field.
The third generation Death Knights is originally created by the Lich King to support Acherus: The Ebon Hold. The Death Knight is includes a small number of the second generation Death Knights. Knights of the Ebon Blade can remove the scarlet crusade from the Plaguelands. In the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion, the Death Knight is freed from the Lich King but ally with their former factions. Under the supervision of the Highlord Darion Mograine, the freed Death Knights is now marching toward Northrend. The third generations Death Knights are an imitation of the previous incarnation and are equipped with melee abilities, and plate armor. They possess the dark magic which help them to fight against their enemies. By using the runic power, they can cast three different types of spells including unholy, blood and frost spells.
The Death Knight character takes a long time to build and often frustrate players who don’t know how to use them efficiently. If you want to find out the major options for the Death Knight character, you should buy a good Death Knight leveling guide.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Death Knight Lore
This is a guest article submission on Death Knight lore in the World of Warcraft MMORPG.
The name of Death Knight refers to a class that is under the control of two organizations of powerful witches. The Death Knights shares a number of common points. For example, the Death Knights ride on horses with horned skulls.
When Orgrim Doomhammer becomes the new warchief, the first thing that he do is to destroy the orc warlocks from the Shadow Council. However, Orgrim spare the life of Gul’dan. In turn Gul’dan will become his servant and create a powerful army of warriors for him. After Gul’dan have researched on the soul of the slain members, he manage to invoke the spirit of Warlock Teron Gorefiend to live in the body of a dead knight called Stormwind. In this way, he successfully instilled the first Death Knight. Later, Gul’dan also transformed other council members into the Death Knight so that a legion of unholy warriors is formed. The unholy warriors are responsible for causing troubles in the land of Azeroth during the Second War.
After Orgrim died, some of the warriors of Horde including the Death Knight make their escapes from the Dark Portal to Draenor. The Death Knights that survived from the Draenor’s destruction also escaped. However, some of the Death Knights including Ner’zhul are arrested by the Burning Legion. After the capture, the Burning legion transformed them knights into liches. The Demon Lord, named Kil’jaeden imprisoned them by taking away their free will so that they can serve the Lich King. In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the liches belong to the spell casting hero class units.
Blizzard reveals the location of a powerful Death Knight who manages to escape from the evil Teron Gorefiend. The game starts with Blizzard deceiving the players with a fabricated history so that they will help to release him from prison. Due to the fact that the story is a deceptive maneuver of Blizzard, it can be assumed that there are a number of first generation detah knight who still exist in their original form including Gorefiend.
Many years later, the Lich King invents a new type of Death Knights that are evil. The most powerful Death Knight from the new breed is Prince Arthas Menethil. Formerly, the Prince Arthas Menethil is a champion of the Silver Hand who relinquish his soul to obtain the runeblade Frostmourne. The new breed of Death Knights is different than Gul’dan Death Knights because they don’t have the free will. Their minds are controlled by the Lich’s King’s vast consciousness. These powerful mortals sell their soul to the Lich King in exchange for immortality.
After destroying the Frozen Throne, Arthas join effort with Lich King. Since then, the power of the Death Knights had grown to become more powerful. As a result, Azeroth is once again troubled by the Lich King’s Death Knights.
The name of Death Knight refers to a class that is under the control of two organizations of powerful witches. The Death Knights shares a number of common points. For example, the Death Knights ride on horses with horned skulls.
When Orgrim Doomhammer becomes the new warchief, the first thing that he do is to destroy the orc warlocks from the Shadow Council. However, Orgrim spare the life of Gul’dan. In turn Gul’dan will become his servant and create a powerful army of warriors for him. After Gul’dan have researched on the soul of the slain members, he manage to invoke the spirit of Warlock Teron Gorefiend to live in the body of a dead knight called Stormwind. In this way, he successfully instilled the first Death Knight. Later, Gul’dan also transformed other council members into the Death Knight so that a legion of unholy warriors is formed. The unholy warriors are responsible for causing troubles in the land of Azeroth during the Second War.
After Orgrim died, some of the warriors of Horde including the Death Knight make their escapes from the Dark Portal to Draenor. The Death Knights that survived from the Draenor’s destruction also escaped. However, some of the Death Knights including Ner’zhul are arrested by the Burning Legion. After the capture, the Burning legion transformed them knights into liches. The Demon Lord, named Kil’jaeden imprisoned them by taking away their free will so that they can serve the Lich King. In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the liches belong to the spell casting hero class units.
Blizzard reveals the location of a powerful Death Knight who manages to escape from the evil Teron Gorefiend. The game starts with Blizzard deceiving the players with a fabricated history so that they will help to release him from prison. Due to the fact that the story is a deceptive maneuver of Blizzard, it can be assumed that there are a number of first generation detah knight who still exist in their original form including Gorefiend.
Many years later, the Lich King invents a new type of Death Knights that are evil. The most powerful Death Knight from the new breed is Prince Arthas Menethil. Formerly, the Prince Arthas Menethil is a champion of the Silver Hand who relinquish his soul to obtain the runeblade Frostmourne. The new breed of Death Knights is different than Gul’dan Death Knights because they don’t have the free will. Their minds are controlled by the Lich’s King’s vast consciousness. These powerful mortals sell their soul to the Lich King in exchange for immortality.
After destroying the Frozen Throne, Arthas join effort with Lich King. Since then, the power of the Death Knights had grown to become more powerful. As a result, Azeroth is once again troubled by the Lich King’s Death Knights.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Death Knight Hero Class
This is a guest article submission on the Death Knight Hero class in World of Warcraft.
Death Knight is the first hero that is introduced for World of Warcraft. According the Blizzard developers, the Death Knights have the ability to fill the tank or DPS roles. The DPS Death Knight can choose to fill the role as a raid or group depends on the circumstances. If this is done at an appropriate timing, you can save the group from a wipe. The talent trees is used to fill up the DPS role. Despite that DPS builds are more suitable to be used for leveling.
In Blizzard’s original concept, Death Knight is a knight which can cast spells. Death Knight make its debut in the Warcraft II:Tides of Darkness. The Death Knight is a fictional horseback mounted undead creature that is often seen in fantasy game. After the Warcraft II:Tides of Darkness is published, Blizzard introduced a new game called Warcraft III:Reight of Chaos.
Death Knights can wear plate armor or use weapons engraved with rune alphabets but they are not allowed to use shields. The Death Knight can invoke the ghoul for only a brief time. However, Death Knight can develop a skill to make the ghoul permanent so that they can have full control over it.
If you have the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, you can have the level 55 Death Knight per realm after one character reaches the same account of level 55. Newly built Death Knights has the ability to cast more spells compare to other characters from other classes. Despite that, the newly created Death Knights have to start with no talent points. You can unlock the talent points by completing quests in the starting area in Eastern Plaguelands.
In the beginning of the game, the Death Knights will be bestowed with a 225 kill in riding. The riding skill allows you to ride on non epic flying mounts at a speed of 150%. If you want to train the riding skill, it will cost you 250. Depending on the reputation from any race’s trainer, the cost can be reduced for up to 200. Players must train their riding skill with the respective trainer except if he is exalted with another race. If he is visiting an Outland/Northrend trainer, he is also excluded from the requirement to train with the race’s trainer.
The Death Knight uses a different combat resource system called the runes. The runes is based on the runic power which is displayed under the player portrait. The Death knight uses the runes to generate the runic power to fight against the enemies in the battle. The Death Knight is equipped with two of each rune type including blood, unholy and frost. When the Death Knight has used a rune, the rune will automatically entered into 10 seconds cool down mode before it can be reused again. The Death Knight can also transform the runes into death runes. Death runes can be used as any type of runes. Besides, the runic power can become useless after a long time the Death Knight fought in the combat.
Death Knight is the first hero that is introduced for World of Warcraft. According the Blizzard developers, the Death Knights have the ability to fill the tank or DPS roles. The DPS Death Knight can choose to fill the role as a raid or group depends on the circumstances. If this is done at an appropriate timing, you can save the group from a wipe. The talent trees is used to fill up the DPS role. Despite that DPS builds are more suitable to be used for leveling.
In Blizzard’s original concept, Death Knight is a knight which can cast spells. Death Knight make its debut in the Warcraft II:Tides of Darkness. The Death Knight is a fictional horseback mounted undead creature that is often seen in fantasy game. After the Warcraft II:Tides of Darkness is published, Blizzard introduced a new game called Warcraft III:Reight of Chaos.
Death Knights can wear plate armor or use weapons engraved with rune alphabets but they are not allowed to use shields. The Death Knight can invoke the ghoul for only a brief time. However, Death Knight can develop a skill to make the ghoul permanent so that they can have full control over it.
If you have the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, you can have the level 55 Death Knight per realm after one character reaches the same account of level 55. Newly built Death Knights has the ability to cast more spells compare to other characters from other classes. Despite that, the newly created Death Knights have to start with no talent points. You can unlock the talent points by completing quests in the starting area in Eastern Plaguelands.
In the beginning of the game, the Death Knights will be bestowed with a 225 kill in riding. The riding skill allows you to ride on non epic flying mounts at a speed of 150%. If you want to train the riding skill, it will cost you 250. Depending on the reputation from any race’s trainer, the cost can be reduced for up to 200. Players must train their riding skill with the respective trainer except if he is exalted with another race. If he is visiting an Outland/Northrend trainer, he is also excluded from the requirement to train with the race’s trainer.
The Death Knight uses a different combat resource system called the runes. The runes is based on the runic power which is displayed under the player portrait. The Death knight uses the runes to generate the runic power to fight against the enemies in the battle. The Death Knight is equipped with two of each rune type including blood, unholy and frost. When the Death Knight has used a rune, the rune will automatically entered into 10 seconds cool down mode before it can be reused again. The Death Knight can also transform the runes into death runes. Death runes can be used as any type of runes. Besides, the runic power can become useless after a long time the Death Knight fought in the combat.
Death Knight Talent Tree Guide
This is a guest article on Death Knight Talent Trees in the World of Warcraft.
The blood tree increases the power of the Death Knight’s spells, and weapons. This tree will deplete the energy of the enemies. The blood branch can increase the damage of the enemies over a period of time. It can also incur high damage per seconds rating.
However, it has the longest kill time compare to other trees. The blood tree talent is used for the physical damage and self healing. For example, the butchery talent can generates up to 10/20 runic power. The subversion talent can improve the critical strike chance of Blood Strike, Heart Strike and Obliterate. The blade barrier will reduce the damage by 1% - 5% in 10 seconds. The bladed armor talent will increase the attack power within a range of 1 – 5 for each 180 armor.
The frost tree has many control elements including a powerful bonus-damage theme. The talents in this branch can improve the physical damage mitigation. Some Death Knight rarely carries their icy skeleton pet. The icy skeleton pet can enhance the damage per second rating of the group. Without the icy skeleton pet, you can still increase the damage per second by using the frost tree. The frost tree has a total of 30 talents which focus on burst, and dual-wielding. For example, the icy touch talent will create additional 5% – 15% damage and the frost fever will reduce the melee. The runic power mastery talent has the ability to increase to the maximum runic power in a range of 15 – 30
The unholy branch places a strong emphasis on diseases and related abilities. The unholy branch is also used to improve the minion summoning skill. The unholy tress has other elements including AoE, spell damage shielding, and themes for improving the mobility.
The unholy branch is the most important branch of the three in the talent tree and is responsible of fulfilling the group and the rank tank. Though players cannot easily level the protection paladin, they can use the unholy branch to increase the speed of the rune power so that it becomes more aggravating. The unholy tree has a total of 30 talents. For example, the vicious strikes talents increase the critical strike chance in a range of 3% – 6%. The virulence talent ill increase the spell casting chance by 1% – 3 % and reduce the damage on diseases by 10% – 30%
As the game becomes more mature, people can split the talent trees to attain a specific goal. By using the talent calculator, the player will be able to build his character more efficiently. However, you will not be aware of the overall effectiveness of the character you built.
The unholy branch is the most important branch of the three in the talent tree and is responsible of fulfilling the group and the rank tank. Though players cannot easily level the protection paladin, they can use the unholy branch to increase the speed of the rune power so that it becomes more aggravating. The unholy tree has a total of 30 talents. For example, the vicious strikes talents increase the critical strike chance in a range of 3% – 6%. The virulence talent ill increase the spell casting chance by 1% – 3 % and reduce the damage on diseases by 10% – 30%
As the game becomes more mature, people can split the talent trees to attain a specific goal. By using the talent calculator, the player will be able to build his character more efficiently. However, you will not be aware of the overall effectiveness of the character you built.
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